In the face of rising far-right nationalism, Yle publishes (again) a story about youths who hate foreigners Finnish Broadcasting Company (Yle) published Saturday a story about two byadmin27 elokuun, 2023
Finland is a country that has lost its way and where democracy is now under threat There are a number of worrying signs that Finland’s democracy and social welfare byadmin11 elokuun, 2023
The response to Suddeutsche Zeitung’s Alex Rühle by Minister Wille Rydman’s office reveals contempt for the free media The reply by Finns Party (PS)* Minister Wille Rydman aide to Suddeutsche byadmin4 elokuun, 2023
Süddeutsche Zeitung’s Alex Rühle: ”I was irritated by Wille Rydman’s repeated accusation of frivolous and false reporting” An email published on Twitter has caused a stir since it implied that Finns byadmin3 elokuun, 2023
Podcast24 maaliskuun, 2023 Tässä podcastissa käsittelemme seuraavia aiheita : rasismi, media ja miten Suomessa nämä asiat on huomioitu Tässä jaksossa perehdymme Enriquen työhön byEnrique Tessieri
Suomen mediaseurantakollektiivi24 maaliskuun, 2023 Perussuomalaiset haluaa, että ulkomaalaiset maksavat veroja eivätkä saa mitään vastineeksi Lehdistötiedote Perussuomalaisten puheenjohtaja Riikka Purra on useaan byEnrique Tessieri
Media Monitoring Group of Finland24 maaliskuun, 2023 The PS wants foreigners to pay taxes and get nothing in return STATEMENT The chairperson of the Finns Party, Riikka Purra, has said on several byEnrique Tessieri
Media Monitoring Group of Finland19 maaliskuun, 2023 An Helsingin Sanomat editorial that boosts xenophobia There is a lot of talk and unfortunate examples of how the media helps to spread byEnrique Tessieri
Media Monitoring Group of Finland19 maaliskuun, 2023 An example of Yle zzz journalism Journalism is a tough job that forces one to stay on its toes byEnrique Tessieri
Media Monitoring Group of Finland19 maaliskuun, 2023 Yle spikes it up with parties that promote fear and uses their xenophobic labels Yle’s reported Tuesday building a border fence between Finland and Russia byEnrique Tessieri
Media Monitoring Group of Finland19 maaliskuun, 2023 Don’t cry Finland if you don’t like migrants Helsingin Sanomat, Finland’s largest-circulation daily, writes in an editorial byEnrique Tessieri
Media Monitoring Group of Finland19 maaliskuun, 2023 How #astudio persecutes and labels migrant youths with dubious talking points #Astudio host Marja Sannikka kicks off the next topic on the talk show on gang byEnrique Tessieri
Media Monitoring Group of Finland19 maaliskuun, 2023 Why are shoplifting Romany women news? Tabloid Ilta-Sanomat, which has had a murky history for publishing and attacking byEnrique Tessieri
Media Monitoring Group of Finland15 maaliskuun, 2023 PS’ Riikka Purra “praises” Ykkösaamu. Complacency devours facts. Perussuomalaiset (PS)* chairperson Riikka Purra praised Ykkösaamu, claiming byEnrique Tessieri